Ladies will agree with us that when it comes to maintaining your human hair wig or easing your daily hair routine, then having a wig straightener and curler is a perfect choice. When you want to have a versatile hairstyle, or you happen to have a used and getting frizzy human hair wig, then you might want to consider this convenient hair styling and maintenance appliance. We always receive some message from our customers about: how to do human hair wig care? What kinds of straightener and curler should be used? Today let's do some share!


Advantages of having a wig straightener and curler


  1. When you want to have a smooth hair that’s loose and beachy with less hassle, then the straightener and curler a great choice. It also helps save styling time when you’re trying to create waves or even smooth out your coarse hair.
  2. Buying a two in one straightener and curler is economical as you usually buy one tool instead of purchasing a different type of hair tools.
  3. The other benefit of having a wig straightener and curler is that it’s a convenient traveling accessory. This tool helps you save some space in your traveling bag since you won’t have to carry two different hair tools while on the go.
  4. Having a wig straightener and curler is essential, especially in proper hair maintenance and hair longevity.



Things to consider when using a straightener and curler

  •  Always consider your styling wig type

Human hair wigs usually comes in various thicknesses and textures; in other words, a wig that’s fine will always require less heat when straightening or curling. Thicker or coarser hair, on the other hand, requires more heat compared to finer hair.

  •  The heat range used during styling

 When it comes to perfecting your straightener or curler results, it’s important to note the heat range used when you are styling your wig. Despite most straightening irons having the ability to accommodate all wig types, choosing the proper heat setting or heat range is fundamental. 

Having an adequate heat setting can contribute fundamentally to the overall health of your hair. It’s usually advisable to keep your iron between 250 to 340 degrees if you have a less voluminous wig and between 350 to 400 degrees if your wig is thicker.

  • Always ensure that you use a tool that has a one-inch plate or is narrower as this is always more suitable for curling hair wig.


  • The next step is to divide your wig into different sections. If you have a voluminous wig, divide it into three or four sections and if you have a normal wig, divide your wig into two.


  • Proceed by taking a small section of your hair and then using a flat iron, clamp it down while gliding that particular section as if using a straight iron.


  • Style your HD lace wig accordingly by creating a turn where you want the curl to start and continue sliding down. It’s worth mentioning that consistent curling will help you perfect this look even for first-timers.


  • lastly, always ensure that you use a heat protectant regardless of your wig type.



Different styling methods for Straightening your wig


 1.How to straighten a wig using a flat iron

Preparation and Basics

  • Place your wig on a mannequin’s head and use needle pins to secure it accordingly.
  • Apply the styling heat protectant onto your wig by spraying evenly.
  • Gently comb your wig to make it neat and tangle-free


Step 1: Ensure that you clip your wig so that it stays away from your face, leaving only the bottom part. Next is to wear heat resistant gloves to prevent your hands from burning, then proceed by turning on your straightening tool.

Step 2: Proceed by straightening your wig using a flat iron, as per your desire. Work with small parts of your hair and always avoid straightening large hair chunks at a go.

Step 3: Finally, continue the procedure with the rest of your hair while taking great care and patience as the entire procedure typically takes about an hour.


2. Using a hairdryer or steamer to flatten your wig

Preparation and Basics

  • Place your Hd lace wig on a mannequin’s head and use needle pins to secure it accordingly.
  • Apply the styling heat protectant onto your wig by spraying evenly.
  • Gently comb your wig to make it neat and tangle-free


Step 1: Secure your wig onto a mannequin’s head, separate the front section, and then use hair clips to hold your hair in place. Make sure to leave a small selection of your hair hanging at the bottom.


Step 2: Tightly hold the hair section at the bottom that’s hanging and using a blow dryer work your way while ensuring that the heat level is on moderate heating temperature. Excessive heat can damage your wig, and therefore you should take note before turning on your hairdryer.


Step 3: Run your hairdryer uniformly on your hair while ensuring that the nozzle points towards your wig. Always avoid prolonging the nozzle on a specific region of your head, as this may tend to damage your wig.


Step 4: Work your way through your entire section and when finished, unclip your other parts and then repeat the same procedure to maximize your results.


3. Straightening a wig without using heat

This last method is for those ladies who have a curly wig and don’t want to use all the above heating methods. Using a no heat straightening method is usually ideal as typically doesn’t harm nor damage your hair in the long run. Below are the steps.


Preparation and Basics

  • Place your wig on a mannequin’s head and use needle pins to secure it accordingly.
  • Gently comb your wig to make it neat and tangle-free


Step 1: Brush your 613 wig neatly and split it down the center.


Step 2: Spray water onto your wig and then proceed with wrapping it gently.


Step 3: Next is to flip each strand of your hair around the back and then wrap it up. Secure the flipped hair strands using bobby pins. Repeat the entire procedure throughout your entire head region. Finally, air-dry your wig to perfect your look.


Hope our work can help you a lot when you are confused. Recently we also come some HD lace wigs, welcome to have a try on our website: